This page displays the network structure learned from the loaded data file. If model averaging was used to determine the network structure, the weights of edges after model averaging can be viewed by clicking "Network image options" and "Show network with edge weights". Users should also note the three letter network ID code in the upper left of the page. This code can be used to return to the network in the future. However, files stored on BNW are cleared periodically, and users should download the Structure Matrix, as described here, to ensure that they can return to a specific network structure in the future.
After viewing the network structure, users have four main options. First, clicking "Use network to make predictions" goes to a more detailed view of the network that can be used to quickly investigate how network variables respond to interventions.
Second, the "Network image options" menu allows users to save the network image as a PNG or SVG file. If model averaging was used during structure learning, the weights of network edges can be added to the network image
Third, users can learn more about the network structure and parameters, or check to make sure the input file was properly processed by BNW.
Fourth, the network structure can be modified by either directly adding or removing specific edges, changing the settings used during structure learning, or removing variables from the data set.